I have been playing a lot of Rock Band lately as my wife and I progress on our Band World Tour. We have a lot of cities completed and are looking forward to conquering them all. I still can't believe that I can get my wife to sit down and play a video game with me and two hours later she is still playing. She is enjoying the game and has actually said that she is willing to move up to Hard so we can complete the last two cities that will require us to play on hard. Now how is that for a supportive wife.
If you are looking for a game to get your significant other interested in the Xbox, then by all means, grab Rock Band. Everyone loves music and if they don't want to play an instrument, then they can sing.
You can get more info on the game at http://www.rockband.com/ and don't forget that they release DLC every week. I am looking forward to this upcoming week. They have 3 Jimmy Buffet songs coming out that will be fun to play along with 3 songs from Disturbed as well. Gonna be a nice DLC week for Rock Band.