I know that President Obama is all about a Government Health Care program, but do we really want that? I say HELL NO. Now before you dismiss this, please read why I say this.
I served in the U.S. Air Force for 8 years and during that time I got to see exactly what a Government Health Care program is like. I can sum it up real easily by saying IT SUCKS.
You can only get sick at certain times, you can't go to the Emergency Room if you are sick during those off-times, and as time goes on, Uncle Sam will continue to cut services, medications, and coverage. I watched my medical services dwindle to almost nothing during my time in the service. I watched families struggle as they were forced OUT of the Government plan and forced to use an insurance provider which was horrible and covered very little.
Now you may want to write me off like I don't know what I am talking about and that is fine, but try asking ANYONE who is retired military and how their military health care is going for them.
My grandfather spent thirty-three years in the U.S. Air Force and fought in numerous wars. After all that time on a Government Health Care plan and the years of his retirement, they have continued to cut medications, services, operations, visits, etc. Despite his medical requirements, they continue to cut and force him to pay or find other means to get what he needs.
Is this what we want? And how can President Obama stand there and tell everyone that we will all get health care coverage when we can't even cover those in our military?
Stop believing in the pipe dream that he is selling you and look at the facts that are all around you. Think for yourself.