Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Post Office or GameFly...who sucks more?

Just recently I cancelled my GameFly subscription due to there not being any games this summer that I really care to play. So I cancelled my subscription and sent my two games back. Over a week later and GameFly is claiming they still don't have them which means they are going to bill me for games I do not have.

My initial concern was that the post box I used maybe did not get checked, but that is not the case since I sent out a couple NetFlix movies in the same mailbox and all of those arrived at NetFlix the following day.

So that makes me wonder if GameFly is lying in an attempt to force me to stay a member to avoid getting billed, or did the Post Office simply lose or steal both games? Either way I am the one getting the short end of the stick and neither company cares about the missing items.

So note to anyone who has GameFly and plans to drop your service. First clear out your queue so nothing gets sent, mail your games back. When they have them, then cancel your service. This will help you avoid this issue.

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