Needless to say, I am pretty ticked off over this show. Now you may ask, why are you complaining now, Season 4 ended like 3 months ago. Well, I lost so much interest in this show about midway through Season 4 that I just let Tivo record them and I finally got around to watching them.
At this point, I am about to sell the previous seasons that I bought on DVD for $1 just to get rid of them and then remove my Season Pass off my Tivo so it won't record this garbage anymore.
What the heck are they doing to this show? Nothing makes sense. I mean it never did but now we have time travelling, a million people in the cast, dead people talking to live people, people who are alive, yet dead at the same time. WHAT THE HELL?
I have lost all interest in ever watching this show again. I use to be a huge J.J. Abrams fan and this is killing me. He is dropping fast in my book.
And don't even get me started on the horrible video game that was made. That was just as bad as this show at this point.
Here endeth the rant.
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