OK, here is my first complaint blog and this time I am going after Logitech. If you are unfamiliar with this company, they are makers of keyboards, mice, remotes, etc.
I was always a fan of Microsoft mice and keyboards. A few years back Microsoft decided to change their mice and do away with their clicking scroll wheel. This was not good for me as I was a big time PC gamer and mostly played First Person Shooters (FPS). I would use the scroll wheel to change weapons. Well, without the clicking wheel, it was hard to make a change one or two weapons up or down because you had no click anymore. So I switch to a Logitech G5 Laser mouse (about $80 at the time). I also got a G15 Gaming Keyboard to replace the freebie that came with my PC.
The G5 was a decent mouse, but it did not last. After three months, the right mouse button no longer functioned. Now I will give kudos to Logitech for replacing it for free, but the replacement soon had issues as well (within 6 months). This time the mouse movement would become erratic and just stop functioning. I thought it was a driver issue so I updated the drivers but that did not resolve the issue. Turns out, banging the mouse on the desk would fix it for awhile. Hmmm, thats odd.
Eventually, I tossed it out and went back to a Microsoft mouse which I am much happier with.
Now, why the complaint against Logitech for one bad experience? Well, its not limited to just one. You see, I have also had issues with my PC locking up when I run audio or video. So I ran thru all the troubleshooting issues with no luck. Ended up rebuilding the PC and all seemed fine for a few months. Then the problem was back.
Turns out that when I would use the volume knob on the keyboard, it would lock up the PC. So it was not when I ran audio or video persay, it was in fact that when I ran those, out of habit I always lower the volume. So it was the volume knob killing my PC.
I removed that G15 keyboard, put on a plain cheap keyboard and all is well. So now I have removed all Logitech devices from my PC and it is working great.
But the story does not end there. You see, I also have two Logitech Harmony 880 remote controls. These things are meant to be top of the line all-in-one remotes. They are very nice (WHEN THEY WORK). See, very often my remote will just lock up. I have to put it on the cradle a few times to get it to basically reset itself for any of the buttons to work. GRRRRR. Very frustrating.
So needless to say, I am done with Logitech. They have gotten their last dime from me. I will stick to Microsoft mice and keyboards and just use the remotes that come with my devices or go buy a cheap $10 universal remote that will only require new batteries every once in awhile.