You may have noticed that I added some links to the page. They are on the right side of the page under the title Wings' GPS. These are links to sites that I visit often or to things that I think deserve a mention. I may even through in a link to a product that I feel deserves it such as Tivo.
I honestly can't think of a better product on the market today than Tivo. I have even had non-Tivo branded DVR's and they all stink. Tivo is the way to go and I am glad I have mine.
If you belong to the generation that I do where you began your video gaming life as a child on the Atari 2600, Coleco, and Intelevision, then be sure to hit up the link for 2old2kwit. This is a group of guys that all have families, careers, lives, and a passion for virtual killing, racing, and sporting. They tend to be in their 30's and are a great group of guys to game with.
If you love reading blogs, be sure to check out Video Games and Robster Craws. And if you are a child of the 80's, then you will especially like that blog.
And last but not least, you must visit the best and most important link of all. That is the one to the greatest podcast I have ever seen or heard which is the Xbox Podcast. I am not saying that just because I am one of the hosts, well, OK maybe I am. But who cares, check out the show for yourself, say hi in the forums, and add the show to your iTunes, Zune, or RSS Downloader. You will be happy you did.
I will update the list as time goes on and I find new things of interest. Enjoy.
Thanks for the plug once again.
I'm still kicking around the podcast idea. I'm just not so sure about my co-host. He's a total cheapskate who rarely buys games. He's got great charisma though.
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