Well, I have always been the type of gamer that liked both consoles and PC's. I always felt that PC's ruled in the First Person Shooter and Real Time Strategy games while the consoles were more for your party and sports games.
Well, I have had an Xbox 360 for just over a year now and I can say I have all together stopped gaming on my PC ever since getting this amazing console. I have played it so much that I even enjoy FPS games on the console and like the control pad. I will say this, for long gaming sessions, the gamepad is much easier on your hands then a keyboard and mouse are.
What I love about the console is that you no longer have to worry about system specs. You don't have to upgrade your console to play a game. All the games for your console will work. Patching is amazingly fast, easy, and it WORKS. What a breakthrough.
I also love the fact that there is no install and when you open the game, you can be playing it a minute later. No need to install for an hour, no need to download huge patches, drivers, etc. etc. Console gaming is simple, fun, and I tell you that games look just as good on the console as they do the PC now days. Crysis is probably the only exception.
Another great feature of the Xbox 360 is Xbox Live. This is the best feature of the console in my opinion. A unified service that brings gamers together across ALL games. The service is built into every single game so that they all work the same way. No need to to install seperate chat programs or force everyone to use TeamSpeak, or Ventrillo. Its all built in and it works.
Now I still enjoy PC gaming, but I just don't do it because I hate to even think about reinstalling my Battlefield 2 game. No lie, it will take well over an hour to get the game, the expansions, patches, etc installed. I would rather just sit down and play Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on my Xbox 360.
Am I ruined? Will I ever enjoy PC gaming again? I think the 360 is the console to finally push me over the edge and leave my PC gaming days behind. I guess time will tell. But for now, my 360 is and will remain very happy with me for a good time to come.
I've always been a console gamer. There are a few reasons why. First off it seems like you are always having to upgrade a PC to play the latest games. You never have that issue with consoles.
I'll take a controller over a mouse any day.
You can actually relax on your couch playing a console game as well.
HaHa You have come to the darkside. It is wonderful . Console have cut down on so much time and I would hate to spead 500 - 100 dollars a year to keep playing a pc.
The REAL problem I'm having with the console system right now is the cost of the games that I've seen averaging 10 bucks over PC titles. What is up with that?
I bought CoD4 for my PC for 50 bucks. The 360 had it for 60. Also, CoD4 looks way better on my PC than on the 360. Of course I do have a pretty sizzlin system.
See the problem is that you have not been properly introduced to the wonder that is Xbox Live. Multiplayer gaming via Xbox Live is AMAZING, EASY, FAST, and SIMPLE. Best service yet to come to gamers. You really should try it out. Also, you can always rent the games through a service like Gamenzflix or GameFly. So no need to buy games.
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