I recorded Episode 2 of This Xbox Life with Brun, Rob, and Kyle last night. The show will be up soon over at www.thisxboxlife.com so be sure to check it out. We also have the show on iTunes now so you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS, or Zune. Our subscribe links are at the top of the main page.
I started playing Burnout Paradise again as I stated before. Still having lots of fun with the game. I do not like the new Marked Man mode for online play because my experiance so far is that people are all over the place and by the time you hunt the Marked Man down, they are no longer "it". I need to try some Online Road Rage, that should be fun.
If you are a gamer, be sure to visit www.gamerdna.com. Its a pretty cool site that allows you to share experiances with your games, and meet other people that share gaming interests as well. It is a social network for gamers which is pretty darn cool. You gotta love it.
Well, that is about all I can think of to say right now. Yeah, boring post but it was something I guess. I will try to make it more exciting next time.
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