Second achievement was the last UNO achievement called UNO Devotee in which you have to win 40 games. I finally got my 40th win tonight. So that game is complete with a full 200/200 achievement points. WOOT!
The really interesting part is that I was gonna spend the evening playing Grand Theft Auto IV, but ended up playing Rock Band, Geometry Wars, and UNO instead. Go figure.
HaHa I actually ended up getting an unexpected achievement as well. I played Double Dragon co-op with my daughter last night. We finished the game and I ended up getting a 20 point achievement for getting the girl.
Do you plan on picking up Geo Wars 2?
I might be picking up Geometry Wars 2. I tried the demo last night. I think it might be more fun than the original game which is HARD as crap. But it is fun.
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