Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lego Star Wars

I got this game awhile back for my birthday from my buddy Brun and I have yet to play it. Well tonight I decided to check it out. Needless to say, I found this game to be a lot of fun. Its a LOT better than Lego Indiana Jones for sure.

I did not plan on playing long but ended up playing through the entire first part of the game. It was a nice way to relax after a pretty rough weekend. If you have not yet tried this game out and are a fan of the Star Wars series, then by all means do check out this game. Its very humorous and enjoyable.


Robert said...

Lego Star Wars rules! The Lego Indy game not so much. Kinda boring actually.

Wingman709 said...

Yeah, I am not impressed with Lego Indy.