Friday, May 9, 2008

Are you looking for a Gaming Clan?

Have you grown tired of playing games in public rooms or servers? Do you have playing with 12 year olds that speak like salty old sailors or hardened truckers? Do you yearn for playing with adults that just want to have a good time playing their video games after a long days work? Then I have a few sites for you to check out.

The first site is Windy City Gamers. This may sound like a Chicago, Illinois only gaming clan, but in fact many of the guys are from outside of Illinois. I personally know some of the guys that live in Chicago and they are a great group of gamers who love their PC gaming and also play a variety of games. You will find them playing Battlefield 2, Team Fortress 2, Call of Duty 4, Company of Heros, Nascar Racing, etc.

So if you want to find a great group of PC Gamers, check out

My next recommended group is a HUGE group of gamers that are also all adults but look to be more console centric. They do play PC games but there is a huge following of Xbox 360 and PS3 gamers in this group.

They play a huge variety of games to include first person shooters, tactical shooters, racing, sports, etc. You name it, there is someone in this group playing it and will always be happy to join in your game. This group sticks to playing matches amongst themselves to keep away from all the noobs, children, immature people that dwell in those public rooms and servers.

Check them out at

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