Monday, April 28, 2008

Can you say "Elite"

Yup, thats right. I have achieved the rank of Elite in Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Now some of you might be asking yourself exactly what am I talking about so let me explain.

Well you see, I have been playing a game on my Xbox 360 recently called Rainbow Six Vegas 2. In this new version, you gain experience points (XP) based on kills and level of hardness. I am pretty good so I play on the hardest level which is Realistic. Last night I finally gained enough XP to get the highest rank in the game which is Elite.

Now to the non-gamer this means nothing. To a gamer, this is a milestone of accomplishment. I never did get this rank in the original Rainbow Six Vegas game as it did take a LOT more time to gain. I am still only a Captain in that game. But it did feel good to finally make Elite in Rainbow Six.

So from now on, you will need to address me as SIR! Thanks for your cooperation.


1 comment:

Robert said...

I won't be playing against you in this game...ever! LOL