Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Xbox Live takes a dump again

You know, I really do like my Xbox 360 and I love Xbox Live, but why is it that this pay for service seems to take a dump more frequently the past six months. I mean I work with computers and understand how networks function, but something this big should have redundancy, failovers, backups, and enough backbone to handle all the traffic. It just seems like they can't handle it.

I am really surprised by the outage tonight considering they just had an 8 hour outage yesterday for planned maintenance. They said all went well, but here we are the next day with no Live service.

I really hope Microsoft can get these issues fixed before next week. I believe they will see another influx of gamers to the Live service with GTA IV hitting the streets next week. I can see it now, Tuesday will be a NO XBOX LIVE day. I hope I am wrong.

Current Xbox Live Status as of this very moment...


Users may experience difficulties when matchmaking and using client voice communication within Xbox LIVE. We are aware of the problem and working to resolve the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience.

Yeah, you could say we are experiencing difficulties. There is NO LIVE SERVICE AT ALL.

Oh well, I needed some sleep anyways. Goodnight.


Robert said...

I'm really hoping that what's going on with Live now has to do with them getting ready for GTA4. I'd rather have it down now than next Tuesday. GTA4 is probably the biggest Live event of 2008.

Anonymous said...

Hey we could have worse:The plays**it 3
And i think the biggest live event will actually either be TC's End War or halo wars.